My year in review
I have mixed feelings about this year. My attention got hijacked by the believers. Immigration, terrorism, law-fare was the subject of half of the posts I wrote in 2015. I left them for the end of this list.
I truly wish that I can promise not to touch these issues again but I’m afraid it may not be possible. I don’t think that there is much more I can say about Islam, Muslims and the things they do, but the response to any of it is a limitless source of stupidity in need of reasonable comments. I will try to focus on libertarian issues and the economy in 2016. With that promise, here is the recap of 2015:
A bit of gender politics
Let’s be careful what we wish for A post about health care, making the point that we are better off with services on the free market. Â
Why it matters Trying to explain why gender politics matters and why we should be a lot more cautious about it. Â
Public discourse and the alpha male Making the point that we already passed the free speech phase of our arguments, public discourse already ceased to exist. Â
Some thoughts on liberty
My liberty This is the first of three-part series on the nature of libertarianism, what it means to me, what the alternatives are and what our shared goals should be. This post explains my position as a consequentialist cultural libertarian. Â
Your liberty Asking my libertarian readers what motivates them as a libertarian. This is part two of a three parts series on the politics of liberty. Â
Our Liberty After exploring what liberty is for me and what it can be for others, this post explores what it can and should be for our political parties. Â
State – Society – Individual Emphasizing the role of civil society in politics and making the case for the need of principled policy positions. Â
The deficit of imagination Discussing some electoral alternatives then explaining yet again why they are not the answers to our problems. Also offering policy ideas to improve political processes. Â
The Failure of Politics Lamenting the sorry state of political discourse. Â
A few thoughts on climate change and the environment
What do I know- A short summary of my position on the global warming theories analyzing the questions from a layman’s perspective providing a long list of references to indicate how my opinion was formed. First in a series with a few more to come. Â
What will it take to convince me- Part two of the series in which I actually answer the question of Jonathan Adler: what would it take to take the warmists seriously? Â
The politics of Global warming In this third piece on global warming I make a few points about the origin of and the drive behind the global warming movement, also trying to explain the political division it creates/exposes. Â
A most pointless hearing The hopelessly useless nature of US Senate hearings Â
Some political and economic points
Seeking truth on the 407 The politics of privatization as observed through the sales of the 407 and Hydro One. Â
Theory and practice Commenting on the grandiose plan of Obama to create social harmony; making the point that it will not serve the poor but the politically connected. Â
How to be a little bit pregnant Reviewing the editorial stance and attitude of The Economist, making the point that it is not possible to be a just a little bit interventionist. Â
The warm and fuzzy feeling of protection Illustrating with a personal example the libertarian point that regulations serve the interest of the regulators not the interest of those they purport to protect. Â
Doing what the state does best The police is best at controlling the people they are supposed to protect. Â
Some cultural comments
Free to sleaze I was asked to comment on a Chomsky quote, so I did. Â
Declaring war on stupid Commenting on some manifestations of stupidity, pointing out that they serve a social function. Â
I should be Slovak A short musing about cultural self confidence. Â
The Slovaks want to contribute Tongue-in-cheek proposal to redistribute Slovak Gypsies among the EU countries (translation from Slovak). Â
All the posts about Islam, the Muslims and their problems
Muslims are not the problem. We are. Commenting on Andrew Lawton’s podcast on some Muslim issues on rebel media. Making the point that Muslims are only taking advantage of opportunities we are providing them with. Â
The only good Muslim is a BAD Muslim A post to separate the individual from its social background and the ideology, to make the argument that being Muslim is a matter of choice. Â
Gestures, symbols, rights My comment on Peter Jaworski’s commenting on Rex Murphy’s point of view about the niqab in citizenship ceremonies. Â
Immigration Delusions Making the case for a sensible libertarian immigration policy, pointing out that idealized policies do not work well in a political reality. Â
Immigration – My personal stories Sharing my personal stories on immigration; mostly to show that my position is based on personal experience. Â
Immigration – Race, Culture, Ideology & Identity Discussing the inherent contradictions of open borders and property rights; an attempt to justify the theoretical existence of the state. Â
Immigration- the philosophical case Making the simple point that the libertarian idea of open borders is in an irreconcilable conflict with the notion of private property. Â
Immigration – the cultural considerations Considering the cultural context of immigration starting with a definition of what culture is and how it may become a source of conflict. Â
Immigration- the questions of morality Trying to show how little the immigrant crisis in Europe has to do with moral considerations. Â
Immigration – the economics Politics and immigration: how large scale immigration is serving the interest of the state. Â
Immigration – the political case Politics and immigration: how large scale immigration is deeply political and nothing else, trying to show how the question of immigration is first and above all – political Â
Immigration- Libertarian kumbaya Suggesting a pragmatic and ideologically consistent policy proposal , making the case for a reasonable libertarian immigration policy Â
Islam IS the religion of peace Making the points that peace isn’t necessarily a good thing and that Islam can only be judged in comparison. Â
The failure of imagination Making the point that there are many ways to fight Islam if only there was some political will to do it. Â
The failure of analysis Answering the question: whose fault is it? Pointing to a number of possible explanations that don’t really enter polite conversation. Â
The sublime wisdom of Islam Nothing compares to the persuasive power of the originals. Â
The glorious victory of Islam Explaining the difference between Muslims, Islam and radicalism using fascism as an analogy. Â
Appeasement Answering a question about my previous post pointing out that appeasement can only make matters worse. Â