This is the third piece of my thoughts on cancers, real and metaphorical.
You can find the other two here: The real cancer & A benign rewrite
If you have not yet, read them first.
I finished my list about the different layers of corruptible self-interests with the point that it takes two to tango, but if you think about it, two is not enough. You need the music too. We could say that the music is a prerequisite. Just like you and I, and we all, are the prerequisites to democracy.
Our selfishness, our delusional expectations of safety, our ignorance of reality, our fears and laziness, our arrogance and sense of entitlement, our blind trust in authority, our desperate desire to conform are the music to the tango of corruption.
I hope I managed to make a convincing argument about corruptibility of democracy in my last post, but
I did not invent the idea. When Benjamin Franklin walked out of the constitutional convention, he was asked “well, Doctor, what do we have, a republic or a monarchy?
According to delegate McHenry’s account of the exchange that he published in 1803, after Franklin responded to Mrs. Powel’s question with “a Republic, if we can keep it,” she said, “and why not keep it?” And Franklin continued, “because the people, on tasting the dish, are always disposed to eat more of it than does them good.”
Ben Franklin, “A Republic, if You Can Keep It.”
This was the same Benjamin Franklin who described democracy as “Two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner”
Let me give you another, this time real and practical example in the same vein:
Picture a municipality with three voting blocks: the first third wants to have a new school, the second a new hospital, while the last one does not want to spend any money until there is enough money saved to do it without borrowing. You may think that the third option will win by default, because no option has a majority. The reality is that the hospital wanters will vote with the school wanters and vice versa resulting in the worst possible outcome.
The United States was never meant to be a democracy, but a constitutional republic with a limited government strictly controlled by the division of powers between the three branches of the government.
We are all very far from that ideal. The whole of Western civilization is heading toward an economic, geopolitical and cultural bankruptcy. The question is, how did we get here? Probably the way Hemingway’s character did it: slowly at first then all of a sudden.
shared this graph in his post: A Picture is worth a Thousand WordsAnd indeed, it is. While what some of us learned from the pandemic was to distrust governments, experts, ‘science’ and the media, even more than we already did; what the overwhelming majority got out of it is the need for an even more blind trust in the same. INSANE!
Blind trust in democracy and delegated decision making took us to the edge of the abyss and our collective will seems to be ready to jump right into it.
The graph above shows us the real pandemic; a mind virus destroying our world.
Orwell projected the dystopian future 36 years ahead from the time of its writing.
Freedom is Slavery said Big Brother.
You will own nothing and you will be happy said the World Economic Forum in 2020
It took just another 36 years to arrive to Slavery is Freedom
Slavery, (owning nothing), means freedom from responsibility, freedom from decisions, freedom from choices, from the need to think, from making mistakes…………from living.
How did we allow this to happen?
A few days ago, I had this exchange in Substack notes:
No, this has nothing to do with the people. AT ALL. They are living in a psyop and don't even know it.
We are being lied too, manipulated and worst. This is tyranny under the guise of democracy. This is them telling us we have the power. They are greedy, power-hungry traitors. You can't go around with this attitude of blaming people. This is what they want. They have organised these narratives to drive people apart. They have created little minions that do their bidding for them. They know not what they do. This is a spiritual war; we are dealing with pure evil. The countless deaths only true evil could kill the way they have been killing with their endless wars.
(Spell check and emphasis mine-zgh)Zork (the) Hun
This is a truly fascinating comment. I would love to quote it and answer it in a full post.
The question is who is responsible? Us, or some other people doing bad things to us?
I agree with all you say above, but ultimately it is all our fault by allowing it to happen. Maybe our trusting nature is at fault, but that is still US.
I have to say it again: I cannot know with certainty that my wife’s cancer was caused, triggered or accelerated by the Moderna vaccine, but I do believe that there is a good chance that she would be fine today if she did not get it.
What I most certainly do know is that she would not have taken it if it was not for her loathing of the possibility that she may have to get into arguments about it with the virtue signaling Karens and the petty minions of officialdom.
Mistakes were not made. It should have been clear to anybody with two braincells to rub together that the Covid narrative was pure propaganda. …as are the climate, the war and the AI dangers narratives.
A certain kind of people knew that from day one. I did. It clearly does not take a genius to see through the BS.
The real danger for the planet is not climate change, it is not the pandemic, it is not the endless wars, not the political corruption or the AI singularity but our acceptance and indeed yearning for the promise that for giving up yet another bit of our freedom we can finally be free from the dangers and hardships of life.
That is what enables the “greedy, power-hungry traitors” that
is talking about.
ANOTHER Good one Zork! However I read in an essay in The Freeman years ago that it all boils down to the fundamental instinct we are born with. That is ENERGY CONSERVATION. The instant we are born we head for the CLOSEST nipple because it takes the least effort. That sets the pattern for the rest of most people's lives. Very few insist on completing the jigsaw puzzle themselves. Sloth is rewarded. Effort and success is punished. Atrophy results. Achievement is resented. Greed is delegated. Free choice and responsibility is incrementally destroyed. See the pattern?