I had no idea Soros was a major Wiki contributor.

"The answer will be evaluated for you by an absolutely impartial AI algorithm."

Except, as many have seen, no AI system is impartial-it's like thinking the Washington Post and NY Times are absolutely impartial news organizations. NOT

As with the news media, "It is all about control", as the WaPo stated: "Liberty dies in control of information"

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To understand the full extent of the influence of Soros, you should check out:


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I am very often tempted to edit articles after I post them.

In this one, I would add a line after mentioning Jimmy Wales:

"By selling out the principles of his company, he succeeded in becoming a Klaus minion."

Which gave me another idea of a picture for a future post about the WEF:

Picture Gru with the face of Klaus and the minions with the faces of the WEF alumni.....

I would very happy if I could find someone who can do it.......

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If the worry about AI is "fear porn," then this article is an example of that because you are demonstrating that AI is set to control the public's sources of information by providing the public with one "correct" answer for every question.

Maybe I'm misreading the article.

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I think you may, but it is probably my failing.

The point I was trying to make in this series of posts is that the danger is NOT what the propagandists are trying to feed to us.

The message we are getting about the climate, about Covid, about the wars and now about AI is that:

We are facing an existential threat that is so far beyond our individual control that only total submission to a centralized GRAND PLAN can save us from it.

This is what I call fear-porn. The attempts to scare us into obedience.

What I believe is that the only thing we have to fear is the dangerous stupidity of the evil masterminds behind the Grand Plans. The plans that are already in motion.

AI is a tool. The danger are the people who want to control it.

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