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My migration from Wordpress to Substack was not as smooth as one could hope for.

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Darcy Neal says:

2014-09-01 at 7:49 pm

This question of community governance has been debated and experimented since the dawn of human associations. What is the best way to seek consensus collaborations among rival individuals and associations of individuals? Many different governing ideas and and protocols have been experimented and continue to be exercises of human social relationships.

Even families are operating by different governing protocols from dictatorial to open collaborative leadership sharing. I don’t believe mandatory democratic participation is conducive to peaceful relationships among rival individuals and groups of individuals. Forcing democratic power upon non-consenting individuals may not be beneficiary for democratic ideologies.

Running from governing authority doesn’t stop governing authorities from pursuing individuals and groups of individuals. The libertarian anarchist individuals promoting disengagement from governing authorities are forgetting that governing authorities will continue to seek citizens to govern. Most governing authorities seek to capture and maintain mandatory citizenship for the benefit of governing authorities be they democratic, technocratic or inherited powers.

The question that rises in my own personal view is citizenship options. Should citizenship be mandated by governing authorities or voluntary by individual sovereignty?

zorkthehun says:

2014-09-01 at 11:03 pm

You are absolutely right, we cannot run away. That is why this conversation would be so important. Unfortunately it is unlikely that it will happen but I will explore the subject in much detail.

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