Apr 23Liked by Zork (the) Hun

I'm not ready to digest your great article as I'm enjoying my reading on capitalism-free-trade. But I read "The replacement (and even rejection) of critical thinking with blind trust in ‘authoritative’ – one could say authoritarian – sources, to the point of making any rational conversation impossible."

I just had a thought, whilst reading: What if ‘deeply’ I am a logically thinker and what upsets me the most is that I’m faced with the illogical thinking of others and that this really disturbs me so greatly that I am thrown into instant confusion and instability or doubt pushing onto myself either by the other or by myself.

One reason I'm enjoying my reading is that I've believed in the 'so-called' authority for way to long and now I find out for myself.

Thank you for the little bit/big bit of synchronicity.. :)

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Author

This is an extremely important point. I am always in doubt. Every critical thinker is.

The strength of the left's conviction is the simplicity of propaganda; the strength of the right's is in the regular confirmation of the constantly tested explanations.

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Apr 24Liked by Zork (the) Hun

Thank you.

Did I say in another comment (?) that I once met a female federal politician in the street, Sydney, Australia.. that she told me that my emails were 'to personal'.. I think I shared this already.. but... I got home, tail between my legs and then got angry and thought.. it is personal.. you can make decisions to rule my life...

Zork: I just read your 'about' and yes... it is personal...

I've never thought of it as I am this morning... in that sense.. how can we really separate things out... ... I'm not good at taking 'criticism'. Why? "you take it to personally'..

Well, if you are addressing me about 'me' then it is personal..

Kind of a 'duh' moment today with this...

Excellent.. Thank you. love it..

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Apr 23Liked by Zork (the) Hun

We have truly entered a new era - the Angstocene.

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I love it and will use it 👌

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Thank you for your thoughtful article - you have an interesting way of cross-linking ideas. As you wrote - I just opened a door into a world where everything is connected. Indeed. But i have to say that the overall impression i have is of "disconnect". Disconnection of individuals with themselves (mind-body-spirit); with each other; with the world at large (and little). So much for the promise and premise of communication / information technologies. But that's a consequence of binary digitisation: on/off, yes/no, and infinite discrete shades of grey. :Life does not come in bits, bytes, bauds - it's a wave function. So ... not drowning in data (just waving).

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After posting, I came across these two videos:


- an interview with Frank Füredi talking about his book and


an 'Academy of ideas' video on the subject, quoting the book extensively

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