All of my regular readers should already know where I stand on the issues of Israel, ‘Palestine’, antisemitism and Muslim radicalism. I assume they understand the sarcasm in the title. For the rest of you, just don’t assume that you can guess what I am about to say. But hold onto the thought, I will ask you about it at the end of this post. You will also find there a few links to help you understand my position.
Let’s start with the facts
The Jews have a historic claim to the land. A three-thousand-year claim (close to four, actually).
There has never been a state called Palestine. The territory/region that is called Palestine today, used to be a Jewish kingdom, then part of the Roman Empire, then the Byzantine empire, then the Ottoman empire then the British empire. Israel today is a vassal of the American empire. Its residents are at the mercy of the Americans.
The non-Jewish residents of the land are called Arabs. That’s it! The term Palestinian is just an invention to justify the murderous antisemitism of the Arabs.
There are 475 millions of Arabs living in 19 countries. The Palestinian would fit into any of them. The Arabs have plenty of places to go, the Jews do not.
No matter how many concessions the Jews offered to the Arabs over the span of the existence of the Jewish state, they were ALL rejected.
The Arabs do not accept anything short of ethnic cleansing, preferably via extermination.
The various wars, intifadas and the ensuing peace proposals never led to any result, never got closer to either peace nor the ‘final solution’ the Palestinians envision.
What is the problem?
My last point above is the problem. The fact that there can be no solution is the problem.
(John Mearsheimer) says in this video that he is a long-time supporter of the two-state solution, just to add immediately, that in his opinion it is not possible. He has no solution.He does not believe it is the right answer, but he is talking about an apartheid Israel.
Unlike Mearsheimer, I am not a supporter of the two-state solution, as it cannot possibly provide the Jewish state with defendable borders. Neither do I like the idea of an apartheid state.
Good solutions must start with the proper understanding of the problem
It is said that good fences make good neighbours.
You cannot build good fences in a land like this:
What is the solution? The answer is simple: A single state from the river to the sea. Ethnic cleansing, if you will.
That is clearly what the Palestinians want, they are quite outspoken about it. It is the foundation of their propaganda campaigns. Students in American campuses are shouting it.
I have to agree, it is the ONLY solution. An ethnically homogeneous Israel with every disloyal Arab expelled from it.
Bill Maher is the only one with the guts to point out, that population replacement and ‘ethnic cleansing’ is a well-established historical practice. More often than not, it is ugly, but it does not have to be. The Indian partition in 1949 was bloody. So was Rwanda and the Yugoslavia break-up. But the ethnic cleansing of the Sudetenland twice in WW II was not bloody. Neither was the Reconquista of Al-Andalus in 1492.
The source of the problem are the Arabs, who would not accept anything else, no matter how generous. They would not hesitate to kill their own to prevent it. The Jews could easily buy them out. When I was in Israel visiting a friend in Kiryat Arba (yes, it is a settlement), I asked him: why don’t the Jews just buy the land?
“Because a Palestinian would never sell to a Jew. If any tried, he would be killed by the rest of the community” – he said.
The Arabs want violence and this is exactly what they are getting. I do not think it is wise, I don’t think it is humane, but just like any other time, the Jews did not start it.
The Jews and the Arabs clearly cannot live together and this is a problem that must be solved. As humanely as possible, but with as much determination as needed.
Just think about it: how much money would be needed to convince you to move somewhere else? Not to a country with a different culture, language, religion or race, but to a country where you would feel right at home.
Now think about this:
The amount of money the US hegemon, its lackeys and vassals pissed away on the completely unnecessary and entirely avoidable war in Ukraine, could give every Palestinian from newborns to nonagenarians about $100,000. That would be a half a million dollars for a family of five, and this estimate is conservative. That much money could easily buy them a new life anywhere in the Arab world.
If they were allowed!
There are 13 million illegal immigrants in the USA and several million more in the EU. If life in Israel so terrible, why wouldn’t the Arabs leave?
Why is all the blame on the Jews, and none on the Arab countries that refuse to give home to these refugees? Why there is none on the US and the EU for not offering them a home?
When it comes to Israel, all of the money is spent on perpetuating the conflict,
but none on solving it. Shouldn’t you ask yourself why?
There is no ethnic group in history that knows more about ethnic cleansing than the Jews. You can count the pogroms on this list. Maybe the Arabs can ask them for advice on how to handle it. You can also check out this little table: (from the Bill Maher video)
The point in all this is that the ‘problem’ can be solved. So why is it not?
Shouldn’t we also ask why now?
What is the reason behind this latest flare-up of the hatred?
The theories
When this latest conflict started, so did the theories:
1. It was planned, if not instigated by the IDF, which definitely allowed to happen,
(maybe to provide an excuse for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza.)
There is a lot of good points and arguments and clear evidence to make this case.
2. The reason for the emptying of Gaza is to facilitate access to the recently discovered oil and gas fields in the Mediterranean
3. The reason for emptying Gaza is to facilitate work on the planned Ben Gurion canal destined to compete with the Suez canal.
4. Israel was getting very cozy with some Arab states, which the global hegemon cannot allow. The conflict was started to cool the rapprochement.
5. The US needed to divert attention from the losing war in Ukraine. (it worked)
6. Iran, sensing the weakening of the global hegemon saw an opportunity and took advantage of it encouraging Hamas and Hezbollah to act.
I’m sure that there are others. My personal favourite is number 5. I can perfectly imagine the Biden administration approaching the embattled Netanyahu suggesting that if he can act now, they will allow the cleaning out of Gaza to happen.
OF COURSE I don’t know, but I can imagine something like that.
The point is that any of the above reasons could be true to some extent, meaning yet again, that the conflict is complicated.
The elephant in the room
The problem is not solved, because nobody wants to solve it. From the moment Israel was created, it had a strategic position on the geopolitical chess board. The Jews and the ‘Palestinians’ are just pawns in the geopolitical chess game.
The global hegemon wants manageable but ongoing conflicts
The big players pay both sides to maintain the conflicts. The US gives to both sides (more to the Israelis). The EU pays both sides (more to the ‘Palestinians’)
The Muslim world gives the most. Obviously, only to fellow Arabs. It would be difficult to tabulate the amount, but you can try. According to the article
“Foreign aid is the "main driver" of economic growth in the Palestinian territories”
Gaza and the West bank have no real economies.
The whole world is financing the problem to keep it alive, to keep it bloody.
We, the observers, are played too. We are all manipulated into taking vehemently emotional, irrational and highly partisan positions.
Every day I am shocked and puzzled by the reactions I see around me. Seeing people I considered rational responding to the crisis with vehement, moralizing emotions instead of reason.
With the exception of our globalist overlords orchestrating it, there are no clearly identifiable good guys and bad guys.
We are all victims of truly nefarious forces.
This one is just the latest example where I see the same hysterical virtue signaling that was expressed against Putin and the Russians at the beginning of the war.
It is just another proxy conflict to keep us divided and under control.
When will we learn??? It’s a rhetorical question, but you can try to answer it. Do you see any other solution than a homogeneous Israel with defendable borders? Did you ever asked yourself why the Arab states refuse to accept their Palestinian brethren? Let me know in the comments.
Further reading (more from me)
Worthwhile reading and watching from Others
New Rule: From the River to the Sea - Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Here’s THE TRUTH About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (A Comprehensive History)
John Mearsheimer: There is no two-state solution (
The above is the short version … here is a much longer explanation:
How the US & Iran Are Preparing to Fight Over Israel
Now, seriously, how would YOU solve the problem? What would you consider an ideal outcome? Let me know in the comments.
TLDR: Kill ‘em all, the Amalek (oops I mean the Arabs) woman child cattle and ass.
Is the Bible antisemitic? Is the TALMUD antisemitic?
Download this pdf from It is a short book, 126 pages, by Israel Shahak, written in August of 1993, an overview of Tamludic law, and indispensable for knowing how Israel reads and interprets the Old Testament Bible, and what Jewish life consisted of for centuries. Shahak is Israeli, grew up there, knows Hebrew and the Talmud, and knows, what has to be, the inner motivations of even the most modernized, reformed Jewish people. This is not an opinion piece nor an analysis. He is just reading the key passages to you. You don't have to BELIEVE anything he says, but just take it in, and see if it has meaning.
By the way, read the notes at the end of the book. They are further explanations, and not just a bibliography.
[NOTE: You might find this book full of annoying details. THAT'S THE POINT! Jewish life for 1000's of years was full of annoying (really pointless, because Yahweh says so), details on every conceivable aspect of life. And they lived under a rabbinical slavery, and trying to continually make it all come true.]
While not really villainizing, this book is essential to understand the current Middle East conflict, and why the well meaning, so-called, western peace plans will Never be implemented. It is under the weight of 3,000 years of belief structure.
A Jewish state, whether based on its present Jewish ideology or, if it becomes even more Jewish in character than it is now on the principles of Jewish Orthodoxy, can Never contain an open society. There are two choices which face Israeli-Jewish society. It can become a fully closed and warlike ghetto. A Jewish Sparta, supported by the labor of Arab helots, and kept in existence by its influence on the US political establishment, and by threats to use its nuclear power.
Or they can rewrite parts of the TALMUD; which will never happen.