I think the predominate problem in America is Fascism. This is evident through the fasces symbolism displayed behind the podium in the United States House of Representatives. The fasces was the origin of the name of the Nationalist Fascist Party of Italy (from which the term fascism is derived).



Fascism is when the government controls everything through business (or the reverse). This involves collaboration between government & business in order to enrich each other at the expense of the lives & liberties of the people. Another word for Fascism is "Crony Capitalism". It doesn't matter if it is secular or Christian, liberal or conservative, democrat or republican. Both work together to enrich themselves off the backs of the people & their freedoms. The defense industry in the United States is as an example of crony capitalism in an industry. Connections with the Pentagon and lobbyists in Washington are more important than actual competition due to the political and secretive nature of defense contracts. The Pharmaceutical industry in the United States can also be described as an example of crony capitalism in an industry. Connections between the FDA & CDC, lobbyists in Washington, and industry tycoons is more important than actual competition due to the revolving door. For example, the government's attempt to mandate the Covid-19 "vaccine" which is not a "vaccine" but rather a form of "gene therapy". "When the government fears the people, there is liberty when the people fear the government, there is tyranny" Thomas Jefferson.

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Would that be the holohoax/holocaust? The one that's been proven beyond question to be bullshit?

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The official holocaust narrative is easy to disprove. And Italian fascism was the logical response to the spread of Jewish communism. I highly recommend the documentary The Greatest Story Never Told and Europa: The Last Battle to learn the truth.

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I believe that any change in direction must come from the ground up, local grass roots movements and helping people understand what is happening. As to the question, what can/ should be done? Understanding the purpose of our existence and the plans that God pre-ordained for humanity will explain this country's and the world's situation. I am no longer surprised by any information (i.e., political, financial, scientific, medical, environmental, societal, cultural, religious, etc.). I am convinced, there is a much greater plan afoot. President H.W. Bush referred to it in several speeches as "The Ancient Hope". He also referred to it in several speeches as "a New World Order" as did Henry Kissinger and President George W. Bush. More recently this plan has been called "The Great Reset" based on the book by Klaus Schwab. It is really the plan/conspiracy for a global "One World" government by a Luciferian/Satanic elite cabal. This cabal of the ruling class/elites and others in positions of power have chosen to side with Lucifer/Satan for worldly success/power/fame/money, etc. The first attempt for a global "one world" government was by Nimrod at the tower of Babel (Genesis 10:8-10)(Genesis 11). Here is a document that further explains: https://www.eaec.org/The-Hidden-History-of-the-Antichrist--Summary-of-Lucifer-and-the-Kabbalistic-Jews--Teresa-Hillebrandt.pdf

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Italian fascism was welcoming to the Jews 'till the late 30s when they gave in under German pressure. It is true, that fascism was a response (a variant of) socialism, I see the Jewish dominance of he movement with a little more nuance.

Thanks for the reference, I will watch it, even though the first 5 minutes was not particularly captivating.

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Ha I agree, I almost didn't finish it either but I'm very glad that I did. I enjoyed your article, and I especially appreciated the opening statement about words and their meanings. Very well said.

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Why is something that can be easily shown NOT to have happened (((holohoax))) a cause of 'tarnishing' fascism?

Fascism is/was tarnished because it basically does not work, and makes folks lives more unpleasant than they need to be. Thats it.

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No honest person can say that nothing happened. I personally know several people who were affected by it.

Whatever happened was enough to tarnish fascism. The communists killed faaaaar more people than the fascists, yet communism is still venerated.

It seems that people are more willing to sympathize with an ethnic/racial minority than with a despised social class.

Fascism failed because of its bellicose nature. ...... and for prosecuting and killing various minorities

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