Jun 4·edited Jun 4Liked by Zork (the) Hun

I too, think that the WEF has true executive villians but its myriad of dilitantes are bimbos. Bimbos are easily beguiled and swindled, they'll take any shiny lure. The same dilitantes occupy our "elected governments" because the voters are themselves, in the majority, bimbos. The power of the WEF is in the NGOs, think tanks, lobbiests, corporatists, and associated rent seeking psychopaths that use the bedazzled bimbo consensus as the basis of untestable mandates funded by stolen and counterfeited fiat. The global initiatives of WEF watermellons are much like DoD projects, the object is never to win a war or save the planet, but only to pursuade the administrative state to approve the next mutally expansive phase of every boondoggle.

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Jun 4·edited Jun 4Author

Much agreed. The only point my views diverge from @alilybit is that I hold the bimbos just as as responsible as the villains. You get rid of one set of villains and the bimbos will find another one. Responsibility is an often returning point of my posts. If you haven't yet, you could check out "my little sister the mass murderer"

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Zork I always thought bimbo's were stunningly beautiful blonds with more boobs than brains. Perhaps bimbo's is accurate but I disgress.

The bimbo's DE writes about I believe were referred to as Bobo's by the eminent conservative (nyuk, nyuk) NYT pundit, David Brooks as he hailed this new "New Elite Class" as the carriers of the new post modern upper class and what separates them from others is their high class education. Voila you have the Harari's of the WEF. These are the people who were punked by the Sokal Hoax. The content on the WEF site sounds like the Sokal Hoax writ large. great essay!

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Just for your personal entertainment: 😁

When you look up the etymology of the word 'bimbo', it says that it is of Italian origin from a fairly recent past, a distortion of the word bambino.

As you may know, I am Hungarian. The word 'bimbo' means bud (as in rose-bud) in Hungarian. It also means nipple 'mell-bimbó = breast-bud.

Like 'fido' is for dogs, the most common name for a Hungarian cow is bimbo.

Big tits, no brain.

Referring to a woman as a 'bimbo' means that you called her a stupid cow.

My mother used the expression frequently to describe women she didn't like ....

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If you were to fashion that WEF mad libs prompt assortment into a drinking game you could wipe out the human race without firing a shot.

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