Jul 2Liked by Zork (the) Hun

Spot on and my own experience. My father was jailed in Germany just before WWII ended and got out totally traumatised which lasted for his entire life ! My own take on taking a stand has only really emerged after i emigrated to Cambodia and saw my own country and it's "alliances" from the outside. In the 20 years since i started it i became ever more "informed"of what was "really" going on in the World. I learned my own country Germany has not been a sovereign state since 1945 and almost 80 years later it becomes ever more clear for everyone to see..... (not so much if you live in a Country that is now enjoying large scale Censorship and Newspeak 1984 George Orwell Style.) The City Hall of my home town is flying the Nazi supporting Ukraine Flag (Azov Batallion with it's many orig. Nazi Emblems like Swastika and SS signs etc) and the Genozide Regime of Israel which obviously adopted Adolf Hitler's doctrine to wipe out an entire people (Palestinians.) Any critizism of that will label me immediately of a extreme right wing radical which must be put under constant surveillance. i.e. Police State is already here, today.

Will i budge ? No ! Why not ? I got the privilege to be 76 years old and if the "privileged" decide to hunt me down and kill me i am simply greatfull to go down with a clear conscious and have speaken out. In other words: Fuck them !

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Israel, Fascist state of never ending we are gods people...We all are gods people!

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I'm afraid you don't really understand what fascism is.

Maybe you should look at my perspective on it:


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I have to disagree with you on Israel, Peter.

Maybe, if you read these two posts:




you may get a more nuanced perspective

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Well, we are collectively adapting to our tyrants, hitting them where they hurt. We, by instinct have zero choice but to react to individual, summing to collective survival threats. Its fall of "civilizations for some" time in history. Social / economic stats indicate we are nudging our tyrants to their doom:


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The theft of personal integrity and the truth of opinion is the finality of how the world turns... Telling your truth to the world can change your life in a instance.... The reality...? is it worth it? 12 years in prison with no offical charges???? America has gone to the muts of universal self incriminating dogmas....

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