May 31Liked by Zork (the) Hun

I’m also subscribed to their emails and skimming them I am reminded of too many management off-sites and consultant gab fests. Someone half-read an already inane HBR article and now you’re wasting a full day learning about the powers of clever acronym #24365.

It’s all such a vapid morass that I can’t even begin to take it seriously.

The thing is, a large number of participants in those meetings not only took the nonsense seriously but were positively elated to be there, felt genuinely enlightened and proceed to implement clever acronym #24365 with great vigour and to even greater detriment to the organisation.

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Sometimes I have the feeling that I am writing this Substack just to get perfect comments like this.

The communists, especially in the early days, were masters of the clever acronym. Orwell illustrated the problem in "The Principles of Newspeak"

Yuval Noah Harari is it's latest champion. You may want to check out:




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It's like the Sokol hoax writ large. All gibberish that only the morally challenged nitwits think is ground breaking and progressive.

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