Aug 13Liked by Zork (the) Hun

What you describe as your recent visit to Germany is pretty much what i, too experienced in May and June 2024 going back to Germany for 3 Weeks. In recent years, let's say since 2018 i first saw the decline of my family realtionship. While my Sister and her ex Banker Husband (both above 70) created a almost religious addiction to "help" others, old single neighbors, church finances, administration and so on it only occured to me after my brother died and a relatively small inheritence was left to be shared between my sister in law (a fragile woman that didn't let the hand of my dying brother go for almost 3 years and thereby suffering significantly herself), my sister and myself. The law was brutal , 50 pct for my sister in law, 25 % for me and 25 % for my sister. I declined to take my share so my sister in law could have it and asked my sister to do the same. That's where the ex Banker brother in law showed his real strategy he had used on numerous others already. No ! Was his answer because my now single sister in law "has enough" which was redicolous looking at her meager pension and funds.

That was the breaking point and i called him "a jewish money lender of the middle ages". A unrestricted authority of law i gave to my sister "was somewhere lost" and my brother in law drew up a new one with the last sentence added: this is valid over and above his (mine) death which would allow him and my sister to cash in on any inheritence i would have left after my death. I cancelled the "General Vollmacht" .

My friends that i had since my youth all of a sudden called me a conspiracy theorist (after 2022 and Germany's new Ampel Coalition between Greens (which are now rather brown) , the socialists and free democrats) after i said "Germany is finished". They didn't even want to hear any of my reasons and i know why:

I was the Messenger with the bad news (those Messengers often got killed in the middle ages after they delivered the bad Message). What made me so evil in their eyes was THAT I DREW THEM OUT OF THEIR COMFORT ZONE ! They didn't want to know that the War in Ukraine could quickly spread to Germany and make the Cities look like 1945 again , let alone when the electric grid breaks down or the inflation creates an enviroment last seen in the 1920 when paper money had no more value.

I also pissed off the Mayor of Oberursel after i witnessed no more German Flag at the City Hall but 1. a Ukrainian, 2. an Israeli and 3. a LGBT Flag. I sent an email to the female lady if another Government had taken over the City for which of course i never got a reply.

Germans in General are very obedient up to a point. When that boiling point is reached they can quickly become very violent. The Government knows how to manipulate this fact and is now fearmongering about evil Russia Putin is going to attack Germany and the whole of Europe and therefore has to prepare for War meaning to manufacture more Military Hardware and get back to conscription to increase the amount of soldiers. In plane sight the US/NATO new Ukraine Mission Headquarter for the War with Russia is now based in Wiesbaden , a stone throw away from Frankfurt int. Airport. In mid Sept. 2023 a US Spyplane CL60 that usually covers the entire EU Eastern Border from the Baltics to the Black Sea circled over the Center of Frankfurt in only 800 meter hight at 1:30 at night for a pretty long time eventhough overflights and nightflights are forbidden, let alone by foreign military planes. Noboy knew or witnessed, but i took screenshots of flightradar24.com and sent it to the Frankfurt Neue Presse with no reaction.

Germany has seized to be a sovereign Nation in 1945 and has become a lap dog for the US ever since. The US Plans to attack, split up and exploit Russia has never stopped which is the reason why even after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Germany's re-unification which saw all foreign occupation troops (Russia, UK,France and yes even Canada) leave but keeping on average 35000 US Troops stationed in Germany at all times. Most German Citizens have no idea about these facts but the Haydays are over.

Ignorance kills, German's will soon find out. Germany went to war twice (WWI and WWII) and got a bloody nose. Now they want to go to WWIII without any reason given by the Russians. Good luck.

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Aug 13Liked by Zork (the) Hun

I didn’t even have to go to Europe to get the same treatment from members of my family. Among my siblings, we have “no-go zones” which are known to create WW3: Trump, masks, vaccines, the climate change crisis theory, vaccine injuries, the WEF and W.H.O.

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