1 Comment
Aug 3, 2023·edited Aug 3, 2023Author

When I was moving my blog from Wordpress, comments were dropped in the process

This is a block copy of the comments made on this one


zorkthehun says:

2014-08-26 at 2:11 am

I don’t like facebook much, especially the fact that most comments to my posts are happening there and not here.

Here is one Exchange I thought was worth transferring:


Kyle Ess

So Antisemitisim bad, islamiphobia, good. There’s a reason I read Zork’s blog once and never went back.

Zork Gábor Hun

If the definition of a islamophobia is being concerned about someone threatening your life, beating you up in public, beheading innocent people in front of cameras for the whole world to see, threatening to destroy your world (see the link in my post), opposing any decent value you believe in,being intolerant, misogynistic, hateful primitive barbarians, then I think a lot more of us should develop this strange mental condition.

Being Jewish, Arab, black or white is an unchangeable fact of life.

Being a communist, a libertarian, a Muslim is a matter of choice.

So yes, antisemitism, discriminating against people for something they cannot really do much about is BAD,

Opposing an intolerant, murderous ideology is good.

People not being able to see the difference is really, really bad

9 hrs · Edited · Like · 1

Kyle Ess

People can choose to be a Jew. People can choose to be a Zionist.

Islamaphobia is applying the traits of those exploiting the Muslim religion to pursue their extremism to all Muslims as your generalizations imply. All the while, ignoring those SAME traits in the side your trying to defend (while poorly trying to appear objective…)

You’re blindly defending one side, almost like the Islamic extremists and their sympathisers do for their side – hence, you’re no less part of the problem than any of the above.

Zork Gábor Hun

Way too many objectionable ideas to address in a comment. I may do it sometimes in the future in the blog that you stopped reading after one try.

…… so how did you get to the second one ??

Kyle Ess

Nothing you can really refute.

And you’re right, technically two times I’ve read two posts. Second time was no better than the first.

4 hrs · Like

Zork Gábor Hun

I am not into refutations. I am into creative analysis.


Analyzing the mindset of the Muslim apologists is indeed an interesting question I will try to get to it.

Jacoby.industries@gmail.com says:

2014-08-27 at 7:19 pm

I think they may have a type of Stockholm or Battered Spouse syndrome. This is the result of 1400 years of Islamic conquest against their neighbours and the European guilt for fighting back.

EimaiSkorpios says:

2014-09-08 at 1:13 pm

As always, your articles are excellent reading. However, I have just one dangling question, Zork: How can we refer to Jews (or Muslims) as simply an ethnic group? Judaism is a religious belief and Islam is a theocracy–both appeal to people of all races and ethnic origins. So many Jews I have met share almost nothing ethnically with one another–and there are many facets of Judaism, as there are with Christianity. Even Israel is ethnically diverse within just the Jewish faith. This may be one reason we have Jews on both ends of the socio-political spectrum. Islam, as far as I can tell so far, is similar but with fewer versions and less difference between those versions. I have determined that there are peaceful “people” practicing Islam and that the majority simply prefer to remain silent practitioners of this unhappy religion. Herein lies the evil stupidity of the Islamic radicals who call for, “Death to the Jews”. Which Jews are those, dear Hamas and Hezbollah–the ones who are racially the same as you, or the ones from Forest Hill?


zorkthehun says:

2014-09-08 at 1:47 pm

I tried to allude to it David, but I did not want to go too deep. Since you asked here is another story:

Shortly after I came to Canada, I met a Jewish girl. I was madly in love. She was young, smart and gorgeous, the Barbara Streisand type. Although I know that she liked me, she told me that nothing can happen between us. Her brother married outside the faith and she couldn’t possibly get involved with someone non-Jewish. Her family would disown her. That was the time when I started to think what it means to be Jewish. I would have done anything to get that woman. I concluded that being Jewish has three components: genetics, culture and religion. In order to call yourself Jewish, you must have at least two of those things. It can be any two. Genetics was out in my case and I could not lie about faith. Getting into the Jewish culture and heritage would not have been enough.

Being Muslim is even more confusing as there are many different ethnicities involved, but that was the whole point of my two posts: that we have to separate these aspects of our and their existence and deal with them separately – as we also should when judging any situation involving them.

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