Excellent post! It was tough to choose, but I'd go with this for my choice of a highlight: "It suggests a neo-feudal, technocratic ruling class that owns and controls everything, while the homogenized, undifferentiated plebs own nothing and are happy about it. The Hunger Games with a happy face on a mostly empty planet." FWIW, I've marveled for years that they allowed The Hunger Games to be produced. The comparisons to our society are too obvious and the contrasts too few!

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Jun 18Liked by Zork (the) Hun

What everyone can do ? I just took a trip to Germany (my home country till 20 years ago) and found my city unrecognizable. The WEF/GREEN Agenda has split the society in two. One is the Power/Gov. Elite, the most destructive i've witnessed since 1945 ! The other one is the Opposition (now labeled radical right wing which it is clearly not.) My town Hall now flies the Ukraine and Israel aswell as the LGBT Flag.... no more German or Commune Flag ! I sent an email to the "female" red Mayor and asked her if another Government had taken over the Town.... no reply except that she is not in the office. Vandalism and physical attacks on Opposition Members are now frequent and the response on the Elite aswell. Being Queer is in now which is sad because back in the 60-80s the Transvestite Cabaret in Town was actually fun and we all had a good laugh and time. Now you have to demonstrate that wearing a Hairdoo Knob on top of your head with shaven sides and some colored streaks makes you special. Cars are no longer tolerated in many shopping areas but Coffin-Bicycles (Lastenraeder) that have a huge coffin like box in the front where usually mothers keep their kids while staring at their smart Phone racing through town is a Trade Mark of modern Mothers and increasingly weird Men , too. The new System of the feminazi Agenda is already cracking at it's seams so expect the next ruling elite be more like the old swastika Gang. Once thei're in power they're all the same.

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The answer is, again, talk. I am not alone saying what I do.

Sometimes I question myself about doing it, but I always finish with the conclusion that every voice added to the choir of truth and reason amplifies its potential of being heard.

Thanks for being one more voice.

Now, keep sharing it! 😎

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Ah, another exile.

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It is honestly depressing to think that the 'swastika gang' seems more and more attractive in comparison to the current regime.

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Jun 19Liked by Zork (the) Hun

The mushy word salad actually makes me happy and hopeful. The people who enjoy middlemanagementese will be able to lash out, sure, but never in any coherent fashion.

This means that an opposition that can coalesce around clear objectives will be able to overcome them, vast differential in power notwithstanding.

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As I looked at this post again, I realized that I did not put enough emphasis on what I considered to be the most important part of the message when I sat down to write it.

I wanted to tell to the elites, that their plans will result in a world that is not good for THEM. They are working on a world that they will NOT like in the end. Their 'privileges' will disappear if they kill the economy that made them possible. How can they be so blind as not to see that?

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